Used Vauxhall Victor Saloon Cars

Showing 1 match

Vauxhall Victor 1600 DE LUXE // 4d // px swap Salo +28
Vauxhall Victor £4,490
1600 DE LUXE // 4d // px swap
Finance from £95 per month



Tax: n/a

Mileage: 88,000


Not found what you're after? We've found more cars that will rev your engine!
Vauxhall Victor Super 1500cc // F Series // px swa +39
Vauxhall Victor £8,490
Super 1500cc // F Series // px swap



Tax: n/a

Mileage: 7,000


Showing 1 match
Representative finance example

If your borrow amount is £7,000 with a deposit of £1,000, a selected term of 48 months, at a representative APR of 17.9% (fixed) and an annual fixed interest rate of 17.9%, you would pay £171.83 per month. Total charge for credit would be £2,247.84 and total amount repayable is £8,247.84.